Monday 19 September 2011

Suprematism – The Catalyst of Change in Modern Abstract Art

Suprematism was founded in 1913 by Kazimir Malevich, an artist who championed non-objectivity.

The Inspiration of Supprematism


Features of Suprematism in Relation to Elements of Design

  • Employs mainly geometric shapes (mainly circles, squares, and triangles)

  • Utilizes a limited variety of colours 
  •  Texture of art is usually smooth and hard (oil painting)

Features of Suprematism in Relation to Principles of Design
  •   Suprematist art employs limited degradation

  •  Contrast is dependent on the goal of the suprematist artist
  •   Suprematism applies harmony (e.g uses similarly-shapped square
  • Dominance is an important part of suprematism art            
  • There doesn’t seem to be any form of unity in suprematism art

Suprematism Supporters

El Lissitzky

Monday 12 September 2011

About me

Hiya people~

I am Moi Kok Lum, an average 22 year old college student that is destined for greatness!

As the picture above clearly depicts, I yearn to explore places that I have never been to in order to taste the unique slice of life that each part of the world offers. And the one thing that I focus on when I explore the world?



My love for food is so deep that some may deem it an obsession as I am always curious to taste all sorts of tasty (or eyebrow-raising) morsels anywhere, anytime. Yes, I am indeed a pure live-to-eat person. One of the reasons behind my deep love for food is because food, like music and dance, is some form of universal language that links people of different cultures together; especially when food tastes really good.

However, as you might already have noticed, my passion is a rather expensive in nature. Therefore, I have decided way back when I was a kid that when I have enough money, I would one day open up a food franchise of my own. That way, I can keep myself around food while making money so that I can taste even more food! 

Hopefully my chain can be as successful as:

For the meantime, in order to for me to have the necessary funds to kick-start my dream, I would probably work as a marketing executive or a human resource executive at some big franchise restaurant (e.g. the restaurant above). I believe that the experience that I garner from such an occupation will be pivotal in supporting my future dream. All in all, despite the many challenges to come in the future since starting up a food franchise is a risky business, I shall continue to strive towards my goal, and hopefully manage to materialize that dream of mine!