Monday 19 September 2011

Suprematism – The Catalyst of Change in Modern Abstract Art

Suprematism was founded in 1913 by Kazimir Malevich, an artist who championed non-objectivity.

The Inspiration of Supprematism


Features of Suprematism in Relation to Elements of Design

  • Employs mainly geometric shapes (mainly circles, squares, and triangles)

  • Utilizes a limited variety of colours 
  •  Texture of art is usually smooth and hard (oil painting)

Features of Suprematism in Relation to Principles of Design
  •   Suprematist art employs limited degradation

  •  Contrast is dependent on the goal of the suprematist artist
  •   Suprematism applies harmony (e.g uses similarly-shapped square
  • Dominance is an important part of suprematism art            
  • There doesn’t seem to be any form of unity in suprematism art

Suprematism Supporters

El Lissitzky

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